Can I participate?

You may be able to participate in the ASPEN clinical study if you: 

Are between the ages
of 18–85 years of age.

Have non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis (NCFBE).

Other eligibility criteria may apply.

In the ASPEN study, you will be seen by NCFBE experts and receive study treatment.


Conditions of the Study

Comprehensive study-related health check during your participation (62 weeks)
Travel reimbursement

Why should I participate?

Your participation in this study could help increase the knowledge and understanding of NCFBE to potentially benefit the broader NCFBE patient community.

By enrolling in this phase 3 trial, you may be given a study drug being evaluated for:

A reduced risk of pulmonary exacerbation and flare ups.
Decreased inflammation, breathlessness, and spitting up mucus.
A decrease in coughing and infection.

What’s the purpose of this clinical trial?

The purpose  of this  study  is to assess a  study drug  as a potential treatment of  non-cystic  fibrosis bronchiectasis (NCFBE).  

What’s involved?


How do I get started?

Click here to fill out an application.

Where is the study conducted?

The study will be conducted in various regions across the world. 

How will the study drug be taken?

The drug will be taken orally once per day before breakfast on an empty stomach.  

What is this study drug being evaluated for?

This study drug is being evaluated to see if it decreases lung inflammation that leads to bronchiectasis.

Has the study drug been tested before?  

Yes, there have been other clinical studies. This study drug was previously tested in a Phase 2 trial.

What is the goal of this study?  

To evaluate the effects and dosage of the study drug on adult  NCFBE  patients.   

How do you measure side effects?

Because brensocatib is a study drug, it is not possible to know all possible side effects of taking it. Some side effects may happen and may be unexpected..

How long will the study last?  

The study will last up to 62 weeks.   

Is there any cost for me to participate?  

There will be no charge for your participation in this study. 

Stay connected

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If you are interested in learning more about the ASPEN study, please click here.